Been busy

With our show season for pest control cranking up in September loading up a kayak in the Ranger and heading out has been time prohibitive.  Since the yard is right outside the door I've been spending more time running the metal detector and frankly should have been doing that more often.  There is some good stuff buried in the yard thanks to the house at 130 years old now.  Might even find something to help finance a few new angling projects I have in mind for the Emmrods.  I found out recently from Emmrod that I'm just about the only seller of Emmrod Universal poles that recommend and uses the rigs for baitcasting work.  Talk about shocked!  As good as they work for that and I'm virtually the only one.  OK I'm be concentrating on getting better info out there and helping folks understand they are missing a big angling opportunity.  It takes skill and practice but once learned fish, fun and great times on the water are ahead.  Here is a short video on a find yesterday in the yard.  A 1905 Baber silver dime, oh yeah did I mention for about a year nearly 100 years ago this house was the bank after a huge town fire :). 

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